Release your creativity.

Unblock your musical flow.

Finally finish your record.

Introducing the fastest way to find musical inspiration within yourself (in less than one day)

How I Help You FINALLY

Start Creating Again

I help musicians use their own inspiration to drive creativity

Hey, maybe you’re been trying to force yourself to take action by having a staring contest with a blank page, desperately trying to find the inspiration that never seems to strike.

So you play and play, and try to write, but eventually walk away from your instrument feeling defeated.

Then, if you do manage to force out a verse, it might feel uninspired and you don’t want to show it around.

Reconnect with your authentic, creative self

My Creative Block Breaker method is designed to connect you to your creative mind to release yourself from repetitive songwriting, write without self-judgment, and reduce resistance to making your art.

You’ll finally tap into your creative potential by feeling your music, not just hoping for it to magically happen.

More creativity.

Less frustration.

Imagine effortlessly crafting music that truly reflects your message.

Prolific songwriters understand that creative blocks are inevitable, yet they somehow tap into their inspirations, producing hit after hit.

If your creativity flowed freely, what songs would you create? How would expressing yourself authentically impact your confidence, drive, and excitement to share your music?

In today’s saturated music landscape, authenticity reigns supreme. Your audience craves genuine connection, not perfection. 

They crave YOU.

So when you decide you’re done being stuck and you’re ready to become your authentic, creative self again, book a free one-on-one call to find out how my Creative Block Breaker method can work for you.

How I Help You Break Creative Blocks



  • Feel comfortable and confident as you prime your imagination for creativity.

  • Experiment with the basics of imaginative exercises, how they work, and how to use them for your specific needs.



  • Reduce resistance to your craft.  Be your creative, authentic self again, with little effort on your part.

  • Discover practices to flex your imagination for the purpose of training your mind and body to feel creative, even when you don’t feel inspired.



  • Write an original song by yourself, from yourself, for yourself.

  • Access 15-20 visualizations and imaginative exercises designed to help you access inspiration, identify your goals, express your desired emotions, all while being confident and secure in your choices.



  • Continue to create more authentic music, refine the song you created with me, and use your newfound creative energy however you please.

  • Exercise your imagination, and do even more with the repeatable exercises you learned during our time together.

Would you believe that you’re already inspired?

I’m willing to bet you’re reading this because writing a new song is super frustrating, and you don’t know why.

You might sit uninspired by a blank page, noodling around with your instrument and hoping for a spark of inspiration. You struggle to create something satisfying, but end up walking away discouraged. Maybe it’ll happen next time.

Sound familiar?

I get why it’s frustrating.  You're a creative person, so drawn to music that you’ve spent years of your life developing a real talent with your instrument. So why does creating something new feel so difficult? Why isn't inspiration striking when you need it?

I’ll let you in on a little secret: inspiration doesn't just appear out of thin air.  

What if you believed that you’re already inspired?  

You already have it within you to create incredible works of art, you just don’t know how to access that part of yourself.  Something is in the way, blocking your creative release.

Having worked with incredibly prolific songwriters for over 15 years, I've gleaned invaluable insights as they broke through their creative blocks.

Now, I'm sharing these creative lessons, tools, and techniques with songwriters like you, so you can develop the interesting, authentic music that you know you want to make. Because you deserve to be heard.

My 4-Step Creative Block Breaker™ method will guide you through unblocking your creativity (in less than a day), becoming inspired to craft authentic music whenever you want.

Ready to break through your blocks?

Book a free consultation today.

Here's Why Authentic Artists are Effective Artists

Creative Genius Exists

By getting in touch with your creative genius, your music will flow out of you with genuine sincerity.

Audiences Want YOU

People connect to the artist through their art, and the more of you that they get, the more of your art they want.

Your Message Matters

Connect with what makes YOU want to create,  and your audience will want to  connect with you.

I work with talented musicians willing to try new things.

I developed the Creative Block Breaker method for one reason:  

I want to help talented musicians like you bring your real, authentic music into this world for everyone to hear.

While there’s certainly no shortage of music out there, there is still something lacking: more of YOUR music.

For that matter, there’s no shortage of talented musicians. And since I can’t physically work with everybody, I only accept a small percentage of songwriters who apply.  

The artists who are willing to experiment with creativity and imagination, willing to try new, perhaps uncomfortable things. Implement different methods. Be vulnerable. Be real. Expand your knowledge of yourself and apply it to your art.  

So if that’s something you want to do, we could be a perfect fit.  

If you’re willing to connect with the authentic artist that you are, if you’re not afraid of the creative power within you, if you’re more curious than skeptical, then absolutely, yes, you should book a free consultation with me.


Ready To Get Started?

Reach out to me however you prefer!

Either send me a message or book a free discovery call.

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